Subject Verb Agreement Quiz for Grade 5

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that forms the backbone of English language construction. It is essential to have a strong foundation in this concept to communicate effectively and with precision. As a grade 5 student, it is the perfect time to learn this concept and test your knowledge with a subject-verb agreement quiz. In this article, we will explore the basics of subject-verb agreement and provide you with a quiz to help you practice.

What is Subject-Verb Agreement?

In simple terms, subject-verb agreement is a rule that states that the verb in a sentence must agree with the subject in terms of number. It means that singular subjects require singular verbs, and plural subjects require plural verbs. Failure to follow this rule can result in unclear and confusing sentences that may lead to miscommunication.


Correct – The cat jumps on the table.

Incorrect – The cat jump on the table.

In the above examples, the first sentence is correct because the subject (cat) is singular, and the verb (jumps) is also singular. However, in the second sentence, the verb (jump) is plural, which does not agree with the singular subject, leading to an incorrect sentence.

Quiz time!

Now that you have an understanding of subject-verb agreement, it is time to put your knowledge to the test. Here is a quiz to help you practice. Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject in each sentence.

1. The boys ____________ football in the field. (play/plays)

2. My sister ____________ twice a week. (study/studies)

3. The cat and dog ____________ on the carpet. (sleep/sleeps)

4. My friends and I ____________ a game of basketball. (play/plays)

5. The apple and the banana ____________ on the table. (is/are)


1. play – plural subject `boys` require a plural verb `play.`

2. studies – singular subject `sister` requires a singular verb `studies.`

3. sleep – both the cat and dog are singular subjects, but when connected by `and,` they take a plural verb `sleep.`

4. play – plural subject `friends and I` require a plural verb `play.`

5. are – two subjects `apple and banana` require a plural verb `are.`


Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that every English language learner must understand. It helps in constructing clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences, leading to effective communication. As a grade 5 student, it is the perfect time to learn this concept and practice your knowledge with quizzes. With time and practice, you will master subject-verb agreement and become a proficient communicator.