Group Contracts for Students Examples

Group Contracts for Students: Examples and Benefits

Collaboration and teamwork are essential skills for success in both academia and the workforce. However, group projects can be challenging, especially when members have different ideas, motivations, and expectations. One effective way to build trust, accountability, and communication among group members is to create a group contract. In this article, we`ll explore some examples of group contracts for students and their benefits.

What is a Group Contract?

A group contract is a written agreement among group members that outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and consequences of participating in a group project. It helps clarify the goals, deadlines, tasks, and communication channels of the project and promotes a shared understanding of the project`s purpose and value.

A typical group contract includes the following elements:

– Project overview: a brief description of the project`s scope, goals, and requirements.

– Group member roles: a clear definition of each member`s responsibilities, strengths, and limitations.

– Meeting schedule: a proposed timeline for group meetings, including frequency, duration, and location.

– Communication plan: a list of preferred communication methods, such as email, messaging, or video calls, and expected response times.

– Conflict resolution: a procedure for addressing disagreements, misunderstandings, or unmet expectations, including a chain of command or a mediator if necessary.

– Consequences: a set of agreed-upon consequences for not meeting individual or group goals, such as reduced grades or loss of participation points.

– Signatures: a formal acknowledgment of the group contract by all members, including contact information and a date.

Now that we know what a group contract is let`s take a look at some examples of group contracts for students.

Example Group Contracts for Students

1. Team Agreement

This group contract template from the University of Central Florida provides a comprehensive framework for team agreements. It includes sections on group goals, communication, meetings, decision-making, roles, and evaluation. It also includes a self-assessment rubric and a peer evaluation form.

2. Group Project Contract

This group contract template from Carnegie Mellon University is a simple and straightforward agreement. It focuses on the project`s scope, goals, and timeline and includes sections on individual tasks, group meetings, and communication. It also includes a section on conflict resolution that encourages members to talk directly with each other before escalating issues.

3. Team Charter

This group contract template from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a visually appealing and interactive agreement. It includes a color-coded table that outlines each member`s responsibilities, expectations, and contributions. It also includes a section on group norms, such as punctuality, respect, and collaboration, and a section on individual goals and career aspirations.

Benefits of Group Contracts for Students

Creating a group contract offers several benefits for students:

1. Clarity and Focus

A group contract helps students understand their roles, expectations, and responsibilities for a project. It also clarifies the project`s purpose, goals, and outcomes, which can motivate students to work harder and smarter.

2. Communication and Collaboration

A group contract sets clear guidelines for communication, meetings, and decision-making. It also promotes a culture of collaboration, respect, and feedback, which can improve group dynamics and outcomes.

3. Accountability and Evaluation

A group contract establishes consequences for not meeting individual or group goals, which can increase accountability and motivation. It also provides a framework for evaluating individual and group performance, which can help students learn from their mistakes and successes.


Creating a group contract is a valuable tool for students working on group projects. It promotes clarity, communication, accountability, and collaboration, which can lead to better outcomes and learning experiences. By using some of the examples of group contracts for students we`ve explored in this article, students can better navigate the challenges of group projects and build essential skills for their academic and professional careers.